
samedi 20 avril 2013

Crash de l'or

Un bel exemple de manipulation des marchés. 
L'or a planté de 18% sans raisons apparentes. Une opération qu'ils préparaient depuis longtemps semble-t-il. Une chute équivalente au crash boursier de 1987. 
Vive le "libre marché"


I am very disappointed by, but not surprised at, the latest transfer of wealth to the bankers from everyone else.  The most recent gold bear raid has vastly enriched the bullion bankers, once again, at the expense of everyone trying to protect their wealth from global central bank money printing.
The central plank of Bernanke's magic recovery plan has been to get everybody back borrowing, spending, and "investing" in stocks, bonds, and other financial assets.  But not equally so, as he has been instrumental in distorting the landscape towards risk assets and away from safe harbors.